Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Just a tad bit of an introduction

Hi all,
I'm Hope, mother to three beautiful and inspiring little girls and one of Heaven's youngest angels. I am a pre-k teacher. I am also a Christian: I was saved in October after years of Our Lord speaking to me. I finally woke up! I love to knit, sew, write and paint in my free time (which, with three young children, is very limited.)
My daughter, Juliana Marie, was stillborn on October 25, 1997. Not a day goes by that I do not think of her and how she would look at nearly 10.
Sydnie Madison, my little miracle girl, is 7, turning 8 on July. Sydnie is a true fighter and inspiration to all she knows, at the tender age of 7 she has already endured so much: cerebral palsy, epilepsy, diabetes, asthma, and most recently was diagnosed with common variable immunodeficancy. Not to mention, in 2005, Sydnie fought and WON THE BATTLE against ARDS (acute respritory distress syndrome), despite all the odds. It was her toughest battle yet and hopefully ever. ARDS has left Sydnie with a decreased lung function and she requires oxygen at night. Despite all of this, Sydnie loved to dance, takes gymnastics and swims. She recently graduated from physical therapy and I am so proud of her for it! Sydnie also enjoys singing in the children's choir and attending Awana.
Mikayela Marie turned 4 on April 28. She is the daughter of my heart, if not by blood. In her four years she has also endured so much! She is finally free from her abusive and neglectful parents and has overcome so much since being placed with us. Kayli, as we call her, has seperation anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. Due to the circumstances of her life before adoption, she is slightly developmentally delayed, something we are working on. One day at a time for our Miss Kayli. She has come so far and is working hard at overcoming her struggles. She has blossomed from a little girl who barely spoke a word and was afraid of touching into a strong-willed little lady who gives the best hugs in the world! Not to mention she is a little motormouth! Kayli attends preschool two days a week and enjoys dance class. She loves Awana and loves taking swimming lessons with her big sister, Sydnie.
Jordyn Melody is eighteen months old (as of tomorrow) and Kayli's biological sister. Fortunately, she was spared MUCH of what her sister went through. Jordyn, despite being so young, has a mind of her own. She loves Little Einsteins and Veggie Tales. She also seems to have a certain fondness for music. Her little butt starts shaking whenever any type of music is playing. Most recently, she has shown interest in using the potty. No pushing, but allowing her to take her time with it.

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